How To create a new Webmin user

How To create a new Webmin user

After initial OS setup is done, the Webmin service is available immediately for further work with Dilos and ZFS. Before start using Webmin tool it is highly recommended to create an internal Webmin user with appropriate permissions on the system. You can create as much users as you desire assigning them different rights and permissions.

Open your favorite browser  and type following URL: https://IP_ADDRESS:10000, where IP_ADDRESS is a real address of your system.

Enter Username and Password in appropriate fields. For the first time login please use root user credentials, defined during the installation.

You will be redirected to the main Webmin screen. Central frame of the window consists the actual runtime information about the system, on the left frame you can find list of modules, available in Webmin. Modules are divided by sections, related to its functionality. 

To get the access to Webmin Users module, expand the Webmin Section add click the Webmin Users link

In the Webmin Users frame in the center all existing users are shown. To create add user, click create a new Webmin user link above or below the list.

Enter the name of the new user in Username field. Leave the value Set to.. from the list near the Password field. Enter the  user's password on the next field. Remember the username and password.

Next we need to assign list of modules, that user must have access to.  By default, there are no modules assigned to new user. 

Expand the spoiler Available Webmin modules and click the check box on left from the module name, which would like user has access to.


In this example and following howtos we will allow user to access only modules related to ZFS and SMB/NFS sharing capabilities. But in a real case you can choose any module you desire and according you requirements.

Under the Avaliable Webmin modules spoiler select following modules:

  • System Status
  • Samba Windows File Sharing

Click Create button at the bottom of modules' list to complete the creation. Ensure, that new user appeared in the list of users. 

To check everything was configured correctly during user creation, re-login with the new user credentials and ensure, this user has access only to modules we have selected.



Anytime you can change list of modules that user has access to. It can be done by user himself, if he has access to Webmin Users module, or by another user with appropriate permissions, 

In our example user does not have access to Webmin Users module, so to add him additional access do following:

Re-login with root credentials

Expand spoiler Webmin and click Webmin Users module link

Click the user name whom we would like to add access to additional module (webadmin, in our example)

Expand spoiler Available Webmin modules and mark the module we need (e.g. Webmin users)

Click Save button at the bottom of the list

Re-login with webadmin user credentials and check that new module is shown in the list


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