How to bootstrap a DU4 zone

How to bootstrap a DU4 zone

To bootstrap a DU4 non-global zone you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and copy sources below (do not forget to make the backup of original sources.list of global zone: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.orig):

deb du4-unstable main contrib non-free
deb dg2-unstable main contrib non-free

Install a zone using regular commands (zonecfg, zoneadm):

prompt:~$ sudo zonecfg -z test-zone export
[sudo] password for user:
create -b
set zonepath=/zones/test-zone
set brand=dpkg
set autoboot=false
set ip-type=exclusive
add fs
set dir="/export/home"
set special="/export/home"
set type="lofs"
add net
set physical="iz0"
set global-nic="vsw0"
add property (name=netmask,value="")
add property (name=gateway,value="")
add property (name=ip,value="")
add property (name=primary,value="true")
add attr
set name="resolvers"
set type="string"
set value=""

Bold part is share region between zones.

IP value shall be unique for each zone.

Do not forget to revert the changes in the sources.list file when a non-global zone has been installed (sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.orig /etc/apt/sources.list).


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