How get all depend for component from DU2
How get all depend for component from DU2
You should create a clean zone.
And use this script to get all the dependencies for building a specific component:
function get_depends()
[ -z "$(grep -f packages <<< $1)" ] &&
apt-get --dry-run build-dep $1 2>/dev/null | grep Inst | awk '{print $2}' &&
echo $pkg >> packages
function all_dep()
for pkg in $@; do
echo $pkg
all_dep $(get_depends $pkg)
all_dep adduser >/dev/null
cat packages
At the end of the script, you will get all the dependencies in a sheet named components (packages
Next, the received data should be given to the apt-get show command and checked for their presence in the illumos section
while read pkg; do
if [[ -z "$(apt-cache show $pkg | grep 'Section: illumos')" ]]; then
apt-cache show $pkg | grep 'Package:\|Source:' | sed 's/^.*: //; s/([^()]*)//g' | tr '\n' ' ' | ./scr.awk >> file
echo "add $pkg\n"
add script awk for create table
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { format = "%-30s %-20s\n"}
{ if (length($2) =="") {printf format, $1, $2=" "} else {printf format, $1, $2 } }
download all pkg from list
while read pkg; do
sudo apt-get download $pkg
done < packages
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