Process of porting of new packages from Debian

Process of porting of new packages from Debian

DRAFT version, do not use it right now

Please follow these steps due to porting of new packages.

We mean you are already downloaded a source package from an upstream repo but you have not changed anything.

  1. Create a new entry in the dilos userland repository (for example, du3).

  2. Copy original debian directory from the source tree into the repo entry.

  3. Create a task/bug in the Jira project (link to the bug tracker)

  4. Change th task status to “in progress”

  5. Create a new branch in the git reposytory which includes bug id, component name and (what else?), for example: ds-1234-xorg-server

  6. Commit the initial files into your branch.

  7. Port the component as usualy.

  8. Commit the changes into your git branch and create a PR (pull request) at the project page.

  9. Change the task status to “resolved” until the integration completed

Do not forget to register in the task the real time you taken to port a component

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