Build zone creation script

Build zone creation script

#!/bin/bash TYPE_ZONE=$1 IP=$2 SER=$3 cat > ${HOME}/${TYPE_ZONE}.cmd <<EOT create set zonename=${TYPE_ZONE} set zonepath=/zones/${TYPE_ZONE} set autoboot=false set ip-type=exclusive add net set physical=iz${SER} set global-nic=vsw0 add property (name=ip,value="${IP}.${SER}") add property (name=gateway,value="${IP}.254") add property (name=netmask,value="") add property (name=primary,value="true") end add attr set name=resolvers set type=string set value= end add fs set dir="/export/home/admin" set special="/export/home/admin" set type="lofs" end add fs set dir="/export/builds" set special="/export/builds" set type="lofs" end add fs set dir="/data/repo" set special="/data/repo" set type="lofs" end verify commit exit EOT zonecfg -z ${TYPE_ZONE} -f ${HOME}/${TYPE_ZONE}.cmd 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a /var/tmp/${TYPE_ZONE}-bts.log zoneadm -z ${TYPE_ZONE} install 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a /var/tmp/${TYPE_ZONE}-bts.log zoneadm -z ${TYPE_ZONE} boot 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a /var/tmp/${TYPE_ZONE}-bts.log res=$(grep -e 'WARNING:' -e 'warning:' -e 'W:' -e 'error:' -e 'E:' -e 'cannot' /var/tmp/${TYPE_ZONE}-bts.log | sort -u) if [[ "$res" == "" ]]; then echo " =========== Zone ${TYPE_ZONE} is successfully created and ready to use =============" else echo " =========== Zone ${TYPE_ZONE} creation log =============" echo "$res" echo "$res" | sed '/W: --force-yes is deprecated/d; /\/man\//d' if [[ "$res" != "" ]]; then echo " ========================================================" echo "Please stop and report about zone bootstrap errors!" fi fi


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