How to make local build DU2 on VM environment

How to make local build DU2 on VM environment


  1. Create and update the new VM

  2. Prepare environment for creating new zones

  3. Prepare script to get dependencies for components building

  4. Create a zone for local repository

  5. Create the local repository in this zone

  6. Create the new zone for components building

  7. Build components

1. Create and update the new VM

To create the new VM in vSphere SPB-LABS execute please steps 1-5 from this instruction.

2. Login with root account and prepare environment for zones creation

  1. Create the mountpoint for zones mounting:

root@dilos:~# zfs create -o mountpoint=/zones rpool/zones root@dilos:~# mkdir /export/builds

2. Add the admin user:

root@dilos:~# useradd -m -g staff admin root@dilos:~# passwd admin Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully root@dilos:~# echo "admin ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/admin

3. Execute Instruction for NET configuration till the step of zone01 creation.

4. To automate zone creation you can copy this script to create_zone.sh file or execute the following command:

cat > create_zone.sh <<SCRIPT #!/bin/bash TYPE_ZONE=\$1 IP=\$2 SER=\$3 cat > \${HOME}/\${TYPE_ZONE}.cmd <<EOT create set zonename=\${TYPE_ZONE} set zonepath=/zones/\${TYPE_ZONE} set autoboot=false set ip-type=exclusive add net set physical=iz\${SER} set global-nic=vsw0 add property (name=ip,value="\${IP}.\${SER}") add property (name=gateway,value="\${IP}.254") add property (name=netmask,value="") add property (name=primary,value="true") end add attr set name=resolvers set type=string set value= end add fs set dir="/export/home/admin" set special="/export/home/admin" set type="lofs" end add fs set dir="/export/builds" set special="/export/builds" set type="lofs" end add fs set dir="/data/repo" set special="/data/repo" set type="lofs" end verify commit exit EOT zonecfg -z \${TYPE_ZONE} -f \${HOME}/\${TYPE_ZONE}.cmd 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a /var/tmp/${TYPE_ZONE}-bts.log zoneadm -z \${TYPE_ZONE} install 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a /var/tmp/${TYPE_ZONE}-bts.log zoneadm -z ${TYPE_ZONE} boot 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a /var/tmp/${TYPE_ZONE}-bts.log echo " localhost.${TYPE_ZONE} ${TYPE_ZONE}" >> /zones/${TYPE_ZONE}/root/etc/hosts res=$(grep -e 'WARNING:' -e 'warning:' -e 'W:' -e 'error:' -e 'E:' -e 'cannot' /var/tmp/${TYPE_ZONE}-bts.log | sort -u) if [[ "$res" == "" ]]; then echo " =========== Zone ${TYPE_ZONE} is successfully created and ready to use =============" else echo " =========== Zone ${TYPE_ZONE} creation log =============" echo "$res" echo "$res" | sed '/W: --force-yes is deprecated/d; /\/man\//d' if [[ "$res" != "" ]]; then echo " ========================================================" echo "Please stop and report about zone bootstrap errors!" fi fi SCRIPT

Make it executable:

chmod 777 ./create_zone.sh


Now you will be able to run it with the format of ./create_zone.sh <zone-name> <zone-ip-domain> <zone-ip-node> , for example!:

./create_zone.sh zone02 192.168.0 3

3. Prepare script to get dependencies for components building.

Create a folder for the local repository and enter it:

mkdir -p /data/repo/pkg cd /data/repo/pkg

To make the following script workable you have to create the list_component file with a content from here.

Create here a script to obtain dependencies and repository creation. To do this copy please this script to the file, let say, make_repo.sh or execute the following command:

cat > make_repo.sh <<EOT #!/bin/bash #DEP_FILE="" DEP_FILE="req.txt" LOG_FILE="" #LOG_FILE="/export/home/admin/repo.log" function print_log { if [[ "\$LOG_FILE" != "" ]]; then echo "\$1" >> \$LOG_FILE fi } ## Loop for get build components dependencies echo "" > list_to_check echo "publicsuffix" > final_list sed -i '/^[ \\t]*\$/d' list_component echo "" >> list_component echo "" > temp if [[ "\$DEP_FILE" != "" ]]; then echo "" > \$DEP_FILE fi while read comp; do ## Skip empty line if [[ "" == "\$comp" ]]; then continue fi echo -e "\\033[33m =====> Getting depends for \$comp... \\033[0m" res=\$(apt-rdepends --build-depends --follow=DEPENDS \$comp) echo "\$res" | grep 'Build-Depends:' > tmp echo "\$res" | grep 'Build-Depends-Indep:' >> tmp sed 's/^[ \\t]*Build-Depends:[ \\t]*//; s/^[ \\t]*Build-Depends-Indep:[ \\t]*//' tmp | sed 's/[ \\t]*(.*)[ \\t]*\$//' >> temp rm -f tmp if [[ "\$DEP_FILE" != "" ]]; then sed "s/^/\$comp:/g" temp >> \$DEP_FILE fi done < list_component ## Preparation of initial list of dependencies sort -u temp > list_to_check sed -i '/^[ \\t]*\$/d' list_to_check end=\$(cat list_to_check) echo "" >> list_to_check mkdir /data/repo/pkg/_tdir apt-get -R /data/repo/pkg/_tdir update ## Loop for get packages dependencies while [[ "\$end" != "" ]]; do echo "" > temp while read comp; do ## Skip empty line if [[ "" == "\$comp" ]]; then continue fi ## Skip packages that are already checked for dependencies res=\$(grep "^[ \\t]*\$comp[ \\t]*\\\$" final_list) if [[ "" != "\$res" ]]; then continue fi echo "=====> Getting depends for \$comp..." apt-get -R /data/repo/pkg/_tdir install --dry-run \$comp | grep "^Inst " | sed 's/^Inst //; s/ .*\$//' >> temp ##apt-cache depends --no-pre-depends --no-recommends --no-suggests --no-conflicts --no-breaks --no-replaces --no-enhances apt-cache depends --no-pre-depends --no-recommends --no-suggests --no-conflicts --no-breaks --no-replaces --no-enhances \$comp | sed 's/^[ \t|]*Depends: //; /</d; s/^[ \\t]*//' | sed 's/^[ \\t|]*Depends: //; /</d; s/^[ \\t]*//' >> temp ## Add checked package to the list of already checked packages echo "\$comp" >> final_list if [[ "\$DEP_FILE" != "" ]]; then sed "s/^/\$comp:/g" temp >> \$DEP_FILE fi done < list_to_check ## Remove repeated records from the list sort -u temp > list_to_check ## Remove empty lines if any sed -i '/^[ \\t]*\$/d' list_to_check sed -i '/^[ \\t]*\$/d' final_list end=\$(cat list_to_check) echo "" >> list_to_check done ## Loop for check and download dependencies rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /data/repo/pkg/_tdir sed -i '/^[ \\t]*\$/d' final_list sort -u final_list > temp mv -f temp final_list echo "" >> final_list rm -f list_to_check while read pkg; do if [[ "" == "\$pkg" ]]; then continue fi echo -e "\\033[36m =====> Check \$pkg... \\033[0m" ## Check if a package exists res=\$(apt-cache show \$pkg | grep "Package: \$pkg") if [[ "\$res" != "" ]]; then ## Download existed package echo -e "\\033[35m =====> Downloading package \$pkg... \\033[0m" res=\$(apt-get -R /data/repo/pkg/_tdir download \$pkg | grep 'E:' | sed -n 's/E://') if [[ "\$res" == "" ]]; then print_log "\$pkg : OK" else echo -e "\\033[31;1;4m \$res \\033[0m" print_log "\$pkg: \$res" if [[ "\$DEP_FILE" != "" ]]; then echo "=======================================" >> errors.log echo "\$pkg: \$res" >> errors.log grep ":\$pkg" \$DEP_FILE >> errors.log fi fi else ## Put error message if package doesn't exist echo -e "\\033[31;1;4m\$pkg: No package found \\033[0m" print_log "\$pkg: No package found" if [[ "\$DEP_FILE" != "" ]]; then echo "=======================================" >> errors.log echo "\$pkg: No package found" >> errors.log grep ":\$pkg" \$DEP_FILE >> errors.log fi fi done < final_list ## Downloading *.deb packages echo -e "\\033[32;1m =====> Uploading *.deb packages... \\033[0m" reprepro -b /data/repo --export=never -C main includedeb du2-prebuild /data/repo/pkg/*.deb ## Loop for download sources while read component; do if [[ "" == "\$component" ]]; then continue fi echo -e "\\033[33;1m =====> Downloading sources for \$component... \\033[0m" apt-get source --download-only \$component echo -e "\\033[32;1m =====> Uploading sources for \$component... \\033[0m" reprepro -b /data/repo --export=never -C main includedsc du2-prebuild \$component*.dsc rm -rf \$component* done < list_component ## Creating index for local repo echo -e "\\033[32;1m =====> Creating indices for local repo... \\033[0m" reprepro -Vb /data/repo export du2-prebuild echo -e "\\033[32;1m =====> DONE \\033[0m" if [[ "\$LOG_FILE" != "" ]]; then echo "Downloaded package list is put to \$LOG_FILE" fi EOT

Make this file executable:

chmod 777 ./make_repo.sh

If you have to get the error log then put the log name to the string LOG_FILE="" , for example:


4. Create a zone for local repository

Create the new zone and enter it:

cd ~ ./create_zone.sh zonerepo 192.168.0 2 zlogin zonerepo

All the following commands are executed in the zonerepo.

Update the /etc/apt/sources.list file:

cat > /etc/apt/sources.list <<EOT deb dg2-unstable main contrib non-free deb du2-unstable main contrib non-free deb-src du2-unstable main contrib non-free EOT apt-get update

Install packets required for working in the zone:

apt-get install reprepro apache2 debhelper dpkg-dev dh-exec apt-rdepends screen -y ln -s /data/repo /var/www/html/dilos svcadm enable http svcs http

Create a folder for repository configuration files:

mkdir -p /data/repo/conf

and create the repository configuration:

echo -n "Codename: du2-prebuild Suite: prebuild Version: 2.0 Origin: DilOS Label: DilOS prebuild Description: DilOS Prebuild Repository Architectures: solaris-i386 solaris-sparc source Components: main contrib non-free ##SignWith: default DebIndices: Packages Release . .gz .bz2 .xz DscIndices: Sources Release . .gz .bz2 .xz Contents: . .gz .bz2 .xz " > /data/repo/conf/distributions

5. Create the local repository:

cd /data/repo/pkg ./make_repo.sh exit

Creating of the local repository can take a long time. So, you can run it with the screen utility.

If you are connected by SSH and would like to turn off SSH session or even temporary turn off your computer, then you have enter the following command for tests running:

screen ./make_repo.sh

Then you can in any time press Ctrl-A d and after that close your SSH session.

When you would like to get back, login again to SSH please and enter the command:

screen -r

6. Create the new zone for components building

Create the new zone and enter it:

./create_zone.sh zonebld 192.168.0 3 zlogin zonebld

All the following commands are executed in the zonebld.

Prepare the zone for components building. To do this please copy this script to, let say, the prepare.sh file or execute the following command:

cat > prepare.sh <<EOT #!/bin/bash WORKSPACE=/export/home/admin/du2 apt-get clean apt-get autoclean apt-get remove libiconv-dev -y apt-get install -y acl iputils-ping kbd ksh scheduler system-data-console-fonts git apt-get install -y traceroute gmake build-essential man-db po-debconf po4a debhelper apt-get install -y libx11-6 libxi6 libxtst6 liblua5.2-dev libnghttp2-dev libjansson-dev apt-get install -y mawk doxygen graphviz libdb-dev libgdbm-dev libsqlite3-dev libpq-dev apt-get install -y bison dh-exec cmake docbook-xml docbook-xsl libgtest-dev screen #/usr/bin/ln -fs libX11.so.6 /usr/lib/64/libX11.so.4 #/usr/bin/ln -fs libXi.so.6 /usr/lib/64/libXi.so.5 #/usr/bin/ln -fs libXtst.so.6 /usr/lib/64/libXtst.so.1 cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak echo "" > /etc/apt/sources.list echo "deb [trusted=yes] du2-prebuild main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list echo "deb-src [trusted=yes] du2-prebuild main contrib non-free" 2>/dev/null >> /etc/apt/sources.list cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.dev apt-get update -y #test -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock && rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock #test -f /var/cache/apt/archives/lock && rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/lock #dpkg --configure -a rm -rf \${WORKSPACE} && mkdir -p \${WORKSPACE} apt-get upgrade -y env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -f env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y openssh-server EOT

Make it executable and run:

chmod 777 ./prepare.sh ./prepare.sh

7. Build components

Copy this script to, for example, thebuild_all.sh file or execute the following command:

cat > build_all.sh <<EOT #!/bin/bash BLD_PARALLEL="4" WORKSPACE=/export/home/admin/du2 #STOP_ON_ERROR=1 STOP_ON_ERROR=0 #GCC_COMPILER="gcc-6" GCC_COMPILER="" # Build a component: \$1 - component name, \$2 - stop-on-error flag function build_component { local START_TIME local END_TIME local BLD_RESULT BLD_RESULT="/data/repo/du/\$1" test -z "\$1" && exit 1 test -d \${BLD_RESULT} && rm -rf \${BLD_RESULT} DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nocheck notest parallel=\${BLD_PARALLEL}" export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS test -d \${WORKSPACE}/\$1 && rm -rf \${WORKSPACE}/\$1 mkdir -p \${WORKSPACE}/\$1 cd \${WORKSPACE}/\$1 START_TIME=\$(date +%s) echo "====================== \$1 ======================" | tee berror.log if [[ \$2 -eq 0 ]]; then apt-get build-dep -y \$1 >> berror.log || return 0 2>&1 apt-get source --compile \$1 >> berror.log || return 0 2>&1 else apt-get build-dep -y \$1 >> berror.log || return 1 2>&1 apt-get source --compile \$1 >> berror.log || return 1 2>&1 fi END_TIME=\$(date +%s) printf "%06d %s\\n" \$((\${END_TIME} - \${START_TIME})) \$1 >> \${WORKSPACE}/tmpbt.log mkdir -p \${BLD_RESULT} cp -ax *.deb \${BLD_RESULT}/ || exit 1 cp -ax *.changes \${BLD_RESULT}/ || exit 1 cp -ax *.buildinfo \${BLD_RESULT}/ || exit 1 } if [[ "\$GCC_COMPILER" != "" ]]; then echo "====================== Building GCC ======================" build_component \$GCC_COMPILER 1 if [[ \$? -eq 1 ]]; then exit 1 fi dpkg -i \$WORKSPACE/\$GCC_COMPILER/*.deb fi if [[ ! -f \$WORKSPACE/build_components ]]; then cp /data/repo/pkg/list_component \$WORKSPACE/build_components fi rm -f tmpbt.log while read COMP; do if [[ "" == "\$COMP" ]] || [[ "\$GCC_COMPILER" == "\$COMP" ]]; then continue fi build_component \$COMP \$STOP_ON_ERROR if [[ \$? -eq 1 ]]; then exit 1 fi done < \$WORKSPACE/build_components sort tmpbt.log > build_components sed -i 's/^[0-9]* //g' build_components EOT

If you’d like stop process on the first error, put 1 the STOP_ON_ERROR variable STOP_ON_ERROR=1. In other case it will build all components one-by-one regardless of errors. And in every component folder theberror.log file will be created, where build errors will be stored.

Make it executable and run:

chmod 777 ./build_all.sh ./build_all.sh

The building process can take a long time. So, you can run it with the screen utility.

If you are connected by SSH and would like to turn off SSH session or even temporary turn off your computer, then you have enter the following command for tests running:

screen ./build_all.sh

Then you can in any time press Ctrl-A d and after that close your SSH session.

When you would like to get back, login again to SSH please and enter the command:

screen -r

If you run all components building, then you can check what components were failed with the following commands:

cat > check_fails.sh <<EOT #!/bin/bash #WDIR=\$1 WDIR=/export/home/admin/du2 subdirs=\$(ls -1 \$WDIR) for dr in \$subdirs do res=\$(tail -1 \$WDIR/\$dr/berror.log) if [[ "\$(echo \$res | grep 'Fetched')" == "" ]]; then cat \$WDIR/\$dr/berror.log fi done echo "" echo "================= Local repo sources" cat /etc/apt/sources.list EOT chmod 777 ./check_fails.sh ./check_fails.sh

Note : If you need first to build the GCC compiler and use it to build other components, then put the compiler component name to the GCC_COMPILER variable, for example:

GCC_COMPILER="gcc-6". Its exact name you can find in the list_component file.

After the build you an check the components installation by creating the new zone.


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