Run ZFS tests in stability mode

Run ZFS tests in stability mode

Tests (that are prepared according instructions in the previous section) could be run in the stability mode. To do this just copy this script to the, let say, stab_zfs.h file and make it executable or do these commands:

cat > stab_zfs.sh <<EOT #!/bin/bash get_duration() { IFS=':' read -r -a tm <<< "\$1" num=\${#tm[@]} delta=\$((\${tm[0]} * 3600)) if [[ \$num -gt 1 ]]; then delta1=\$((\${tm[1]} * 60)) (( delta += \$delta1 )) if [[ \$num -gt 2 ]]; then (( delta += \${tm[2]} )) fi fi echo \$delta } get_time_diff() { local cur_time=\$(date +%s) echo \$((\$cur_time - \$1)) } print_time_diff() { local delta=\$(get_time_diff \$1) local sec=\$((\$delta % 60)) let "amin = \$delta / 60" let "hour = \$amin / 60" local min=\$((\$amin%60)) if [ -n "\$2" ]; then printf " Running time: %02d:%02d:%02d\\n" \$hour \$min \$sec >> \$2 else printf " Running time: %02d:%02d:%02d\\n" \$hour \$min \$sec fi } log_extra() { echo "---------------- ZPOOL LIST ------------------" >> \$1 zpool list >> \$1 echo "---------------- ZFS LIST ------------------" >> \$1 zfs list >> \$1 echo "---------------- PS AX ------------------" >> \$1 ps ax >> \$1 echo "---------------- TOP -n 10 ------------------" >> \$1 top -n 10 >> \$1 } i=1 mode=0 TOTALLOG="/var/tmp/stabzfs.\$(date +%F-%T).txt" dsk1=\$1 shift dsk2=\$1 shift dsk3=\$1 shift echo "============ ZFS Stability test started at \$(date +%F-%T) ==============" > \${TOTALLOG} if [[ \$# < 2 ]]; then echo "Missing parameters in the command" | /usr/bin/tee -a \${TOTALLOG} exit 1 fi case "\$1" in -i) mode=1 # number of iterations is provided maxiter=\$2 echo "Stability Test : launched for \$maxiter iterations at \$(date)." | /usr/bin/tee -a \${TOTALLOG} ;; -d) mode=2 # duration of tests is provided delta=\$(get_duration \$2) echo "Stability Test : launched for \$2 interval (\$delta seconds) at \$(date)." | /usr/bin/tee -a \${TOTALLOG} ;; -t) mode=3 # stop date/time is provided stopdt=\$2 ;; *) echo "Stability Test : \$1 is a wrong option" | /usr/bin/tee -a \${TOTALLOG} echo "Usage : stab_zfs.sh <disk1> <disk2> <disk3> (-i <iterations> | -t <HH:MM[:SS]> | -d <HH:MM[:SS] [DAY-MONTH-YEAR]>]) [-s | <test name>]" exit 1 ;; esac shift shift if [[ \$mode -eq 3 ]]; then # stop time/date mode if [[ \$# > 0 ]]; then date -d \$1 +%s stopat=\$? if [[ \$stopat -eq 0 ]]; then # stop date is entered after the time # if it is ommited then date is treated as current one stopdt="\$stopdt \$1" shift fi fi echo "Stability Test : launched until \$stopdt at \$(date)." | /usr/bin/tee -a \${TOTALLOG} stopat=\$(date -d "\$stopdt" "+%s") fi GLOB_START_TIME=\$(date +%s) while [[ \$mode -gt 0 ]] do case "\$mode" in 1) # number of iterations is provided if [[ \$i -gt \$maxiter ]]; then break fi ;; 2) # duration of tests is provided difftm=\$(get_time_diff \$GLOB_START_TIME) if [[ \$difftm -gt \$delta ]]; then break fi ;; 3) # stop date/time is provided tmpat=\$(date +%s) if [[ \$stopat -le \$tmpat ]]; then break fi ;; *) break ;; esac echo "----------------------- Pass \${i} : started \$(date)" | /usr/bin/tee -a \${TOTALLOG} START_TIME=\$(date +%s) ./z.sh \$dsk1 \$dsk2 \$dsk3 print_time_diff \${START_TIME} \${TOTALLOG} echo "----------------------- Pass \${i} : finished \$(date)" | /usr/bin/tee -a \${TOTALLOG} (( i++ )) done echo "Tests are finished successfully at \$(date) with \${i} passes." >> \${TOTALLOG} print_time_diff \${GLOB_START_TIME} | /usr/bin/tee -a \${TOTALLOG} EOT sed -i '/./!d' stab_zfs.sh && chmod 777 stab_zfs.sh

The test script could be run in 3 modes:

  • for a specific number of iterations

In this case you have to put the -i option and enter the number of iterations, for example, to set 10 iterations:

screen ./stab_zfs.sh <disk1> <disk2> <disk3> -i 10
  • to work for the specific period of time

In this case you have to put the -d option and enter the time duration in the HH:MM[:SS] format, for example, to work for 10 hours and 15 minutes:

screen ./stab_zfs.sh <disk1> <disk2> <disk3> -d 10:15

or, for example to work for 20 seconds:

screen ./stab_zfs.sh <disk1> <disk2> <disk3> -d 00:00:20
  • and finally to stop at the specified date and time

In this case you have to put the -t and enter the date and time of stop in the HH:MM[:SS] [DAY-MONTH_YEAR] format, for example, to work from the start to 17:00 of 8th of August 2023 year you will enter:

screen ./stab_zfs.sh <disk1> <disk2> <disk3> -t 17:00 8-AUG-2023

If date is omitted, and only time is entered, it’s supposed that date is the current one. I.e. to stop today at 19:00 you will enter:

screen ./stab_zfs.sh <disk1> <disk2> <disk3> -t 19:00

After the script is finished common log will be put to the /var/tmp/stabzfs.<ISO TIME>.txt file. Logs for every separate pass will be created according the previous section.

If test was crashed or hanged on any pass you can get additional information by executing the following commands:

cat > getinfo.sh <<EOT #!/bin/bash uname -a diskinfo > /dev/null diskinfo > /dev/null echo "-------------------------- DISKINFO ---------------------" diskinfo echo "------------------------- BEADM LIST --------------------" beadm list echo "------------------------- ZPOOL LIST --------------------" zpool list echo "-------------------- LAST SUCCESSFULL TEST --------------" tail -1 /var/tmp/z.tmp echo "------------------- LAST SUCCESSFULL COMMAND -------------" tail -1 /var/tmp/test_results/current/log EOT chmod 777 ./getinfo.sh ./getinfo.sh


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