Create Test Results

Create Test Results

  1. Enter the page https://dilos-dev.atlassian.net/wiki/home

  2. Find the DilOS platform section and enter into it

3. Enter the Test Results page:


4. Then select the appropriate group of tests depending on your environment:

  • on Virtual Machine

  • on Hardware

  • on KVM


For example, Tests on Virtual Machine Environment

5. Click Create button:

You will be forwarded to the new empty edited page.

6. Enter your build number in the Give this page a title field

To do this click on a table button in the instrument panel

By default the table will contain a header row, 2 data rows and 3 columns. So, to add the 4th column put your mouse cursor to the right edge of the table and click “+” for adding a column on the right:

Name columns:

  • Test - for references to report pages

  • Tests number - for the total number of tests in the report

  • Passed - for the percent of successful tests

  • Time - for the total time of tests execution

For percent of successful tests select please a green cell background for 100% and a red one - otherwise. To do this click please a cell and select the appropriate color in the drop-down menu Cell background:

After this publish your page by Publish button.

7. Then find your newly created page, open it and click Create button again to create a children page.

8. In the newly created page put the test name and the build number as a title of the page and append VMW if you execute your tests under VM environment, KVM - for KVM environment, and HW - for running tests on the hardware. Then put your test results from logs and information about the number PASSed and FAILed tests (it should be generated automatically if you did the appropriate test instruction carefully). Your page will look like this:


And publish your page.

Please remove old test results. Leave 2 last results for RELEASE builds and 3 last results for DEBUG builds.

To remove the old result click on the right of your page and select Delete item from the menu.




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