

Download a demo file from this resource (https://bitbucket.org/dilos/site/downloads/). The file name should contains «demo» word in its name. Burn the image to a CD/DVD media or mount the file to a VM and boot it. You will see GRUB:

Hit Enter or wait for a few time, the system boots and you will see the screen:

Log in into the system using user root and password 123. Type screen to start the installer, answer some questions about system configuration, after this steps the system will install.

At the end you should see the screen:

Press Enter/Return to boot the system from the hard drive. The screen should look like this:

Log in into the installed system as root which you specified at install step. By default the system uses rpool as root pool to boot, to store its configurations and some specific stuff. It is a good practice avoid using this pool to store user's data. By the way, let's inspect this fact, type command zpool list. The command shows you all known pools (after installation you see rpool only), check the status of the pool by command zpool status rpool.

Usualy server has more disk drives for user's data, let inspect it by command diskinfo:

As you see our demo system has 4 disks for 10GB and one disk for 20GB where the system has installed. So, we can use that 4 drives for our data, let's create a pool over the disks. Just type the command to do it: zpool create <pool> <type> <disk1> <disk2>... In the screen above we used 4 disks to create a mirrored pool. This means the data will be copied to all devices of the pool. You can lose 3 disks of 4 and your data will still be available to use. Of course, it is a big overhead if you don't have a very critical data. Anyway, you can type zpool list to see the result (now we see two pools: rpool and data). You can check the status zpool status:

When your pools have many devices the output is very long, in our example it has more line than the screen. Just specify the pool you want to inspect:

As we have said, mirror over 4 disks is a big overhead for home use, let's reorganize it to raidz. First you need to destroy a pool by the command zpool destroy.


Be very careful. This operation destroys all data on the pool. You don't have second chance to cancel this action. Recheck all parameters twice (warning) until you hit Return/Enter.

OK, now you have been warned and we can continue. Type zpool destroy data and the pool will be destroyed. You can inspect it by commands zpool list and/or zpool status. To create a raidz pool you need the same command zpool create, but here we use raidz instead of mirror (type of the new pool). Type zpool status data to inspect it.

You can think nothing changed, just type of the pool, well, yes, it is, but let's look at the list (zpool list):

See at the size column and compare it with the mirrored pool. 39.5GB (raidz) versus 9.5GB (mirror).

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