Copy of How to run net tests

Copy of How to run net tests

Setup VM with:

  • CPU - 4

  • Memory - 8GB

  • Hard disk - 100GB

  • Have to use DEBUG build, where we have debug macro

Create user:

sudo useradd -m -d /var/ztest -g staff -s /bin/bash ztest # add password for remote ssh sudo passwd ztest

Add user to sudo:

echo "ztest ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/ztest

Install packages for net tests:

sudo apt update sudo apt install system-test-nettest testrunner python

Login by user ztest and create zones:

Zones must be created according to the file:
Currently accepted names: cz, sz, rz

Important! Zones must be in the / zones directory

Create dataset:

sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=/zones rpool/zones

Configure zones

The zone configuration should be considered for the cz zone, for other zones, the setting is the same:

cat>cz.cfg <<EOT create set zonepath=/zones/cz set autoboot=true set ip-type=exclusive commit exit EOT sudo zonecfg -z cz -f cz.cfg

Install and run zones (example for zone cz):

sudo zoneadm -z cz install sudo zoneadm -z cz boot

Install the socat package for every zone:

The zones have not configured net, need to install it from the global zone.

Download it in the global zone:

apt download socat

In the current version, the name of the downloaded file is socat_1.7.3.1-2+deb9u1+dilos2_solaris-i386.deb

Install into the zones (example for zone cz):

sudo apt -y -o Dir=/zones/cz/root update sudo apt -y -o Dir=/zones/cz/root upgrade sudo dpkg -i --root=/zones/cz/root socat_1.7.3.1-2+deb9u1+dilos2_solaris-i386.deb

Launch tests:

sudo /opt/net-tests/bin/nettest

Wait for several minutes and have found full logs at:

/var/tmp/test_results/<ISO TIME>


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