Setup VM with:

Create user:

if you created a user at the vm preparation stage, then skip this step.

sudo useradd -m -d /var/ztest -g staff -s /bin/bash ztest
# add password for remote ssh
sudo passwd ztest

Add user to sudo:

if you created a user at the vm preparation stage, then skip this step.

echo "ztest ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/ztest

Install packages for os tests:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install system-test-elftest testrunner python build-essential

Login by user ztest and run tests:

sudo /opt/elf-tests/bin/elftest

Test run script


LOG="/var/tmp/elftest.`date "+%F-%T"`.txt"
uname -a > ${LOG}
sudo /opt/elf-tests/bin/elftest /var/tmp 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a ${LOG}

Wait for several minutes and have found full logs at:

/var/tmp/test_results/<ISO TIME>