Porting from Debian 11 (bullseye)
Install two DU4 zone zones (see How to bootstrap a DU4 zone )
Download zone
Append (add below) lines of debian’s sources into your local zone /etc/apt/sources.list |
deb-src http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security/updates main contrib non-free |
update existing packages |
sudo apt update |
Install git:
install packages |
sudo apt install git |
Build zone
Install git, tools and make to start:
install packages |
sudo apt install build-essential gmake make git |
Build already ported package (DilOS procedure, could be used for port verification)
Prepare build directory:
clone repo (do not forget add your public key into https://bitbucket.org/account/settings/ssh-keys) |
git clone git@bitbucket.org:dilos/du4.git |
After the building process is done, you find the built package(s) in <du4>/components/${component}/build directory
Port a new package (Debian procedure)
Preinstall necessary packages:
If build failed you shall make all necessary fixes, increment the +dilos<version> and add new line in debian/changelog with short description of the fix you made.
Bug fixing
Install DU4 zone (see How to bootstrap a DU4 zone )
install packages |
sudo apt install build-essential gmake make git |
Preinstall necessary packages:
All next steps are the same as described above.
Some notes and hints
Do not mix deb-src between DU4 and bullseye in one /etc/apt/sources.list! It will confuse apt when it shall download the sources.
Using single build zone
Prepare build zone (see “Build zone”).
Download all necessary Debian sources manually:
Go to https://packages.debian.org/source/bullseye.
Done, you’ve downloaded and unpack original Debian 11 sources. Now you can compare the code or and debian’s files with ours from DU4 sources or port them as described above.
Some notes and hints
Do not mix deb-src between DU4 and bullseye in one /etc/apt/sources.list! It will confuse apt when it shall download the sources.