В этой статье рассказывается, как конфигурировать Common Multiprotocol SCSI TARget, или COMSTAR, программное обеспечение, которое позволяет преобразовать любой хост Oracle Solaris 11 в конечное устройство SCSI, к которому можно доступаться по сети через хосты-инициаторы.
Ознакомьтесь со следующей терминологией перед настройкой iSCSI targets и initiators.
Term | Description |
discovery | The process that presents the initiator with a list of available targets. |
discovery method | The way in which the iSCSI targets can be found. Three methods are currently available:
initiator | The driver that initiates SCSI requests to the iSCSI target. |
initiator group | A set of initiators. When an initiator group is associated with a LUN, only initiators from that group may access the LUN. |
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logical unit | A uniquely numbered component in a storage system. Also referred to as a LUN. When a LUN is associated with one or more SCSI targets, the target can be accessed by one or more SCSI initiators. |
target device | The iSCSI storage component. |
target group | A set of targets. A LUN can be made available to all targets in one target group. |
target portal group | A list of IP addresses that determines which interfaces a specific iSCSI target will listen to. A TPG contains IP addresses and TCP port numbers |